DEUQUA Special Publications

Quaternary landscape dynamics in the Eastern Alps: from the highest peaks to the northern foreland basin – a guidebook to field trips

Hrsg.: B. Salcher


DEUQUA Special Publications 2022, Volume 5


Die individuellen Kapitel können von der Website der Zeitschrift heruntergeladen werden.


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Quaternary landscapes, sediments and geoarchives in northeastern Germany – a guidebook to field trips on geology, geomorphology, geoarcheology, and climate and environmental monitoring

Hrsg.: A. Brauer and M. Schwab


DEUQUA Special Publications 2022, Volume 4


Die individuellen Kapitel können von der Website der Zeitschrift heruntergeladen werden.


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Celebrating 70 years of E&G: Milestones

Hrsg.: F. Preusser, M. Fuchs, and C. Thiel


DEUQUA Special Publications 2021, Volume 3


Die individuellen Kapitel können von der Website der Zeitschrift heruntergeladen werden.


From Weichselian ice-sheet dynamics to Holocene landscape changes in Western Pomerania and Mecklenburg – field trips on geology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology

Eds: H. Hüneke, A. Börner, and S. Lorenz


DEUQUA Special Publications 2019, Volume 2


The individual chapter can be downloaded from the journal's Website.


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Quaternary and Tertiary landscapes and their sediments in Hesse, Germany – a guidebook to selected field trips on geology, geomorphology and geoarchaeology

Ed.: Markus Fuchs


DEUQUA Special Publications 2018, Volume 1


The individual chapter can be downloaded from the journal's website.


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Erkundungen in Sachsen und Schlesien - Quartäre Sedimente im landschaftsgenetischen Kontext

Eds.: Dominik Faust und Katja Heller


76 pages, DIN A4
ISBN 978-3-941971-14-1

Currently, this field guidebook is only available as a digital version. It can be downloaded for free.

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From the foreland to the Central Alps – Field trips to selected sites of Quaternary research in the Tyrolean and Bavarian Alps

Eds.: Hanns Kerschner, Karl Krainer and Christoph Spötl


160 pages, DIN A4
ISBN 978-3-941971-10-3

Currently, this field guidebook is only available as a digital version. It can be downloaded for free.

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From Paleozoic to Quaternary: A field trip from the Franconian Alb to Bohemia

Eds.: Ludwig Zöller, Andreas Peterek, Deutsche Quartärvereinigung e.V.

120 pages, DIN A4
ISBN 978-3-941971-08-0

Currently, this field guidebook is only available as a digital version. It can be downloaded for free.

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From the northern ice shield to the Alpine glaciations

Ed: Daniela Sauer

88 pages, DIN A4

ISBN 978-3-941971-06-6

Currently, this field guidebook is only available as a digital version. It can be downloaded for free.

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Eiszeitlandschaften in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Eds.: Reinhard Lampe, Sebastian Lorenz

164 pages, DIN A4

ISBN 978-3-941971-05-9

Currently, this field guidebook is only available as a digital version. It can be downloaded for free.

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 24.9 MB