Conference scholarships

Each year, a number of conference scholarships are awarded by DEUQUA to young researchers, in order to promote the presentation of their research results at national and international conferences. Scholarships are awarded up to a maximum of 150,- Euro for national, and a maximum of 250,- Euro for international conferences. To apply for a scholarship, please use the form provided below. Deadline for applications is the 30th of April each year.


Recipients of a scholarship must either be members of DEUQUA, or must become a member before receiving the scholarship. Scholarships can only be awarded for conferences and presentations with a close relation to the Quaternary and therefore also with DEUQUA. The presentation of an own scientific contribution at a conference is an eligibility for the application. This can be proven by the submission of the conference abstract and the confirmation of acceptance of that abstract. These documents may be handed in later. Recipients of a scholarship are asked to illustrate the support by DEUQUA in their conference presentation. To do so, you may download the logo of DEUQUA here.


Application form DEUQUA conference scholarship
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